GREEN-FINGERED villagers are digging in to do Barrowford proud for the North-West in Bloom competition.
On Monday they will be at the corner of Rushton Street and Broadway Place to work on a corner plot recently planted by supporters of Barrowford in Bloom, and anyone who can lend a hand will be made welcome.
This year will be the second time Barrowford has entered the regional competition and the group is hoping to impress the judges when they assess the village on Friday, July 20th.
The group is keen to ensure the village is litter-free to show off the floral displays to their best advantage and as just been given a £500 grant from the Green Partnership to buy plants. The Partnership provides finance for groups wanting to make a difference to the areas where they live and supports projects that involve and benefit the community.
Said secretary Susan Sunderland: “The aim of the group is to improve the environment for residents and visitors all year round and not just on the day of the judging. The volunteers are working with the parish council, Pendle Council, schools and local groups such as the Friends of Barrowford Memorial Park to make Barrowford more attractive by litter picking and brightening up neglected corners.”
The work session on Monday begins at 10am with gardening and litter picking. Anyone who goes also will be provided with litter pickers, gloves and black bags. To find out more e-mail or contact the group via the parish council office on 619738.