the owner of the Spar Shop in Barrowford which is at the centre of a clamping row has made a conciliatory offer to the land owner in a bid to end the dispute.
As reported, John Kay has begun clamping drivers whose vehicles park on the access road to the shop car park, as they did before Mr Kay bought the land several weeks ago. Mr Kay took the course of action after vehicles parked on the pavement across the road from his shop caused drains to collapse and, he claimed, were blocking his access.
He said he had told the Spar shop of his intentions and asked the management to put up signs.
Shop owner Gerard Threadgould said this week he had contacted Spar and made arrangements for smaller vehicles to make deliveries.
“This approach is at an additional cost to our business but we felt it only fair to try to co-operate. Mr Kay also increased this problem by placing large boulders on his kerbside. We’re still not clear why he has felt the need to take this additional step other than because he can.
“We are asking for a common sense solution, the local community have voiced their opinion in the form of a petition which contains in excess of 1,000 names. By all means Mr Kay could continue enforcing parking restrictions on his side of the road which in itself would ensure access. We would also be responsive to short staying parking on our side and would be as flexible as we could in the event of him developing his site.
“In the meantime we are looking at a free delivery service for our less able customers who are impacted by this move.”
Mr Kay insisted he would continue clamping and said shop customers should use the car park.
“I have no problems with people driving on the access road. They have the rights to do that, but they do not have the rights to park on my land and they should not do so or they will be clamped.”
l There was another temporary difficulty on the access road at the end of last week as contractors working on Gisburn Road dumped spoil along one side of it. “They had dumped it there without asking my permission and it took several phone calls from me before it was removed. They were using it as a transfer station and it had all gone by Monday,” said Mr Kay.