TRADITIONAL children’s game musical statues has gone all technical! Welcome to the Wobble Deck and plenty of fun!
Five-year-old Ruaridh’s favourite game is statues, so he was in his element when he hopped aboard the electronic board.
The Wobble Deck is an electronic balance board with four games to choose from, Copy Wobble, Wobble Statues, Memory Wobble and Musical Wobble.
And Ruaridh gave them all the thumbs up. The board is designed for children to have fun, but it also a good way to teach balance and boarding skills.
Copy Wobble allows you to test your skills by tipping the board towards the colour it asks you to, it becomes harder with each go and the colours are mixed to test the brain!
Wobble Statues is a modern way party game which encourages you to wobble like mad until it shouts freeze and then you have to stand still or lose the game.
Memory Wobble gives you the chance to try out a move, memorise it and try again. And Musical Wobble is for children to make up tunes and compose the perfect song.
Its fast, fun and very addictive or it would be if Ruaridh let me have a go!
Wobble Deck, £24.99, for stockist details call 0800 389 8591 or visit {}