WITH more than 17,000 people living with dementia in Lancashire, NHS mental health experts have launched a consultation for the public to have their say on possible changes to specialist dementia services in Lancashire.
Through the consultation process, NHS Lancashire and Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust are aiming to readdress the balance of existing services to deliver enhanced care and better access for the community. Running for 12 weeks, the consultation will involve 16 public events across the county allowing local residents, healthcare professionals and many other interested parties the chance to hear more about the options currently proposed and express their opinion.
A consultation document provides an overview of the two options, addressing the community and inpatient services for each, as well as the possible advantages and issues involved. The two options, the first which proposes a single site in Blackpool with extensive community services and the second which suggests two sites in Blackpool and Blackburn with reduced community services, are fully explained in the consultation document. Available to download at: {http://www.lancashirementalhealth.co.uk|www.lancashirementalhealth.co.uk}.