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Pendle college is classed as ‘good’ by Ofsted


STANDARDS of education at a Pendle college have improved since it was last assessed in 2009, Ofsted inspectors have found.

A two-day inspector at Fisher-More Catholic Humanities College, Colne, rated the school as “good” across all four fields – pupil achievement, quality of teaching, behaviour of pupils and leadership.

The inspection three years ago had classed the school as “satisfactory”.

The four-strong team, led by lead inspector Jams Kidd, said in their report: “Progress and attainment have improved strongly over a four-year period. In 2012, standards rose again and results in both mathematics and science were above average and the best the school has ever known. The percentage of students reaching five or more GCSE grades at A* to C was also higher than ever before. Inspection evidence shows that students in the current Year 11 are on track to reach even higher standards.

“The quality of teaching is good and has improved markedly since the previous inspection. Relationships between students and between students and the adults who work with them are a strength.

“Teachers’ questioning encourages students to think more deeply about their studies and teaching assistants provide sensitive support for students who find the work difficult.

“Students are proud to attend the school and speak highly of their classmates and of teachers and teaching assistants. They behave well in class and around school and have a strong social conscience, supporting a wide range of charities.

They feel safe and say: ‘This is a friendly, unthreatening environment.”

The inspectors’ report said headteacher Chris Bohills continues to have high ambitions for the school and staff and members of the governing body share the same clear view of how the school can move forward.

“The school knows itself well.  Specialist status has a positive impact in all areas of school life and also provides strong support for the local community.”

The inspectors say the college is not yet an outstanding school because data are not always used effectively enough by teachers to plan lessons where the work matches students’ needs so they can all make good progress.

Support for students who are in danger of underachieving is successful in Key Stage 4 but is not yet fully embedded in Key Stage 3.

The report says senior leaders do not always check on the impact of the work of subject leaders well enough. The quality of marking is said to be inconsistent as a result.

In a minority of lessons, there are not enough opportunities for students to find things out for themselves.

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