A SCHOOL has received top marks in a National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools report.
An inspector who visited St Thomas’s CE Primary School, Barrowford last month said the school had an outstanding distinctiveness and effectiveness as a Church of England and described the school as “a beacon of love and care for children and families”.
Inspector Mike Graham went on: “Together with the church community, it is a centre of excellence in the provision of high quality education and care based on strong Christian values.
“Relationships within and around school are exceptionally close and supportive. Links with the church are exemplary. Religious Education and worship blend effectively to stimulate spiritual understanding and growth.”
Mr Graham said the school’s strengths were:
lThe clear Christian vision of headteacher and deputy headteacher, well supported by an enthusiastic governing body and a committed team of staff.
l The high standards of teaching and learning in RE.
l The excellent worship.
l The outstanding caring relationships throughout the school based on Christian values.
He encouraged the school to devise a child-friendly and Christ-centred motto for the school and to give the children more opportunities to plan and lead worship.
“The school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners. “The Christian values adopted by the school make a significant impact on the children. The atmosphere in school is loving, warm and secure. Academic achievement is good, and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent. Honesty, care for others and respect for one another are always evident,” said Mr Graham.
He went on to say the impact of collective worship on the school community, effectiveness of religious education were both outstanding and effectiveness of the leadership and management of the school as a church school were all outstanding.
Headteacher Mrs Tracy Heys, who leaves the school at the end of term to take up a new appointment, said: “I am delighted with the report. It is a wonderful tribute to all the work that has happened during my time here and I know that my successor has a firm foundation on which to make further school improvements.”