THERE has been an all-round improvement in the standards of education at a Colne primary school, say Ofsted inspectors.
A team which visited Sacred Heart RC Primary School last month classed the school as “good” in all relevant categories, a grade up from the satisfactory mark it received at its last inspection in April, 2010.
The report says that in the last two-and-a-half years, the headteacher, two assistant headteachers, five teachers and seven new governors have all been appointed.
Lead inspector Sue Sharkey says in the report: “This is a good school.
“Good leadership and teamwork since the previous inspection has made sure the rate of pupils’ progress has accelerated. As a result pupils now make good progress.
“Strong leadership by the headteacher has helped to create a skilful team of leaders, teachers and managers throughout the school. As a result there have been improvements to the quality of teaching and in pupils’ achievement.
“Pupils develop good reading and writing skills. They thoroughly enjoy reading and talk happily about the books they like to choose.
“The quality of teaching is good. Teachers deliver well-planned lessons that are creative, interesting and make good use of a wide range of resources.
“The governing body regularly helps to check how well the school is doing. They work closely with the staff to ensure the school continues to improve and develop at a good rate.
“Pupils say they enjoy school. This is reflected in their above-average attendance. The many exciting clubs, visits and activities provided capture pupils’ imagination and helps them to learn well.”
Ms Sharkey says Sacred Heart is not yet an outstanding school because pupils do not have enough chances to use their ICT skills in English and mathematics lessons to help improve their skills at learning on their own and finding things out for themselves.
“Teachers do not share good practice with each other often enough.
“Pupils do not have enough opportunities to practise their mathematical problem-solving skills in mathematics lessons and when completing work in other curriculum subjects.
“The profile of mathematics is not high enough. Pupils’ work is not displayed enough throughout the school in order to help pupils learn mathematics well.”