LOMESHAYE Junior School, Nelson, has cause for celebration as it has been accredited with the Leading Parent Partnership Award for the second time.
This award was first given to the school in 2010 when it demonstrated good links with families and parents.
Since then, the school has invested considerable time, money and expertise in making highly effective links with parents and the families of children in the school.
Mrs Sofia Safdar, the school’s parental involvement officer, has worked relentlessly to encourage mums, dads, aunties, uncles and members of the local community to become involved in school life, enhancing their own lives and career opportunities and learning how to help their children at home.
The progress the school has made in this area has been vast and the award report commends its endeavours as being “outstanding”. The assessors said: “The school’s approach to engagement and partnership with parents through the enrichment programme and wider family learning is of a gold standard.”
The effect this work has had on families is astonishing. This was recongised by the assessment team when they spoke to children and parents, noting “the impact is apparent in both the parents’ own self confidence and the progress of their children.”
Headteacher Mrs Angela Pleasants said: “As a dedicated team we will continue to develop new strategies and initiative to engage our parents, to provide life long learning for them and to reap the benefits this has on our pupils’ progress and performance.”