A MUGGER who attacked a 15-year-old schoolboy in a Brierfield park was spared jail – but was slammed as a “pathetic bully” by a judge.
Burnley Crown Court was told Aamir Anwar had grabbed hold of his victim by his coat and demanded; “Give me everything you have got.”
Anwar, who made off with the teenager’s £300 mobile phone, with keys attached, was caught after the victm and his friend found him on Facebook and pointed him out to the police.
The defendant, who had a conviction for common assault in the same park, admitted robbery last October 21st. The defendant (20), of Kings Causeway, Brierfield, was given a suspended sentence because he is working and can pay compensation and costs.
He received 32 weeks in custody, suspended for a year, with 100 hours unpaid work. He must pay £300 compensation, £250 costs and a £100 victim surcharge.
Mr Stephen Robinson (prosecuting) said the defendant put his hand in the boy’s coat pocket and took his mobile phone.
The victim tried to snatch the phone back, but the defendant, who he feared would punch him, brushed past him. Anwar was arrested in the early hours of the next day after the victim and his friend saw his picture on Facebook. The phone was under his pillow.
Mr Parker said in his victim statement, the teenager said his confidence had been knocked and he had not wanted to go to college for a couple of weeks after the offence.
Mr Richard Taylor, for Anwar, said the incident “smacked of bullying.” The defendant was ashamed of what he had done. The solicitor added: “He made a very stupid decision on that night and he’s lived to regret it.”
Sentencing, Judge Beverley Lunt told the defendant: “Your actions are those of a pathetic bully.
“That’s what you are, but what you actually are now is a robber.
“You need to grow up and grow up fast and start doing positive things. If I see you again, you are not going to be happy.”