ST. Mary’s College is a successful, forward looking College with a strong tradition and history.
Founded by the Marist Fathers in 1925 the College has served the community of Pennine Lancashire for nearly ninety years.
The College provides an inclusive and safe environment for students to experience a holistic education where the nurturing of academic achievement sits comfortably alongside the development of the whole person.
St. Mary’s offers excellent teaching and outstanding student support. All students have personal tutors who, in partnership with curriculum teaching staff, provide the appropriate support and encouragement to help students achieve, and often surpass, predicted examination grades based on prior attainment pre 16.
The College is situated to the north of Blackburn based on one campus. A recent partnership with Moving People has enabled the College to offer excellent transport facilities with free transport for all students from all parts of the County.
Whilst the College aims to provide appropriate courses for a wide range of students who feel they can benefit from the SMC Marist Experience, the College is very aspirational. It wants its students to achieve at the very highest level and it delights in celebrating their successes. The recently introduced Excellent Scholarships aim to reward achievement at GCSE and offer students the opportunity to have up to £1000 to support their post 16 education.
The College enjoys excellent relationships with a wide range of partner high schools within Pennine Lancashire and the Student Guidance Team work tirelessly to provide information and guidance to Year 11 students thinking of applying to the College. The College places great importance to the recruitment and admissions process in order to ensure potential students are offered places on the most appropriate courses.
The College is opening its doors again for all year 10 and year 11 pupils to attend its next Information Evening on Thursday 21st March, from 5.30pm until 7.30pm, so why not take up this opportunity to come along and get to know us better!