Welcome to Charlotte’s Amazing Brain!
I’m Leila and in April 2012 my youngest daughter Charlotte, suffered a rare brain haemorrhage followed by a huge stroke which left her partially sighted, with brain damage (known as an acquired brain injury or ABI) and severe learning difficulties.
Throughout the last 12 months, I have learned that the issues Charlotte has can be caused by a variety of very common things and happen with much more regularity than you would think.
I’ve been blown away by the support of The Colne Times and its readers and would love to share Charlotte’s journey with you throughout her recovery, her achievements and the problems she faces, and raise awareness of childhood strokes and acquired brain injuries in the process.
May is The Stroke Association’s Action on Stroke month where various awareness raising events and activities are held.
Because I deal with childhood strokes, I am asking schools to hold a bring £1 and wear something purple day — could you help me by asking your child’s school to do the same?
This is quite a reflective and emotional time for us as Charlotte became ill on the last day of the Easter holidays last year but we will not be beaten!
I have it on good authority that the Easter Bunny has some tricks up his sleeve to make things fun and exciting… I just hope the children can get to the chocolate before the dogs!
See you all next month, Lots of love, Leila xxx