Following the enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend, my week began with recording for 2BR Radio.
Along with other MPs from the area, we recorded our diaries from the past month. Every time I do this, I am shocked at how much seems to go on every month and this was no different; from casework, to the elections and the launch of the new scanner appeal.
On Wednesday, it was the State Opening of Parliament and the much-awaited Queen’s Speech. It was a fantastic environment in Parliament and the ceremonial event marked the formal start of the parliamentary year. The Queen’s Speech set out the Government agenda for the forthcoming session, outlining proposed policies and legislation. The determination of the Coalition to build a stronger economy was firmly anchored in the speech and is centred around jobs, growth and fairness.
The afternoon was filled with several meetings. I met with Nick Chambers from Inspiring the Future to discuss apprenticeships, careers and employability for young people. I was interested to hear that we spend more on careers advice for prisoners than we do on school leavers. This is something I endeavour to change. I then had a meeting with Morgan Stanley. One of the individuals was a man from Burnley who had been hugely successful in the world of investment and banking and the other two gentlemen were from Canada and represented a large pension fund. We talked in depth about the economy and I was delighted that they were extremely positive about the British economy and Canada is investing billions of Canadian dollars into our economy.
On Thursday, I did a job swap with a young man who is an apprentice for Burnley Borough Council and works at the St Peter’s Centre as a clerical officer. It was very interesting and informative and following my morning doing his job, he then attended a meeting at the town hall with me and sat in on some casework which we had to resolve.
On Friday, I travelled back to London to speak at an important debate emphasising the importance of preparing people with skills for jobs of the future and apprenticeships.
I just survived Saturday’s rain-soaked busy advice stall. Saturday afternoon was filled organising events for the scanner appeal. I am both excited and impressed by the fundraising. It is incredible that Burnley Football Club has dedicated a day to scanner fund-raising, agreeing to buckets at the match and envelopes in the hospitality suites.
An advice surgery will be held today (Friday) between 4pm and 5pm at Burnley Library. There will be no surgery on Friday, May 24th.