When you are three-years-old there is nothing better than jumping in puddles. Just ask children’s cartoon character Peppa Pig.
She’s an expert at it, as is Flora, who will go out of her way to find the biggest and splashiest puddle she can find, especially if you happen to be stood next to it!
To avoid wet socks and chilly toes, Flora needs the gear to keep the feet nice and dry. And where better to look than Kozikids. The name oozes care for small ones and the firm’s puddleboots are top-notch!
Made out of 100 per cent rubber with a warm fleece lining, the boots range from size 25 to 35 and come in different colours.
KoziKids was set up in 2009 by Tomas and Linda Torstensson and is based on high quality Swedish design clothing and accessories for children to wear whatever the weather.
So watch out next time you stood next to Flora and a puddle!
Kozikidz Puddleboots £25, {http://www.kozikidz.com.kozikidz.com}