Locally generated green energy will be the subject of a meeting held on Thursday in Barnoldswick.
People interested in green energy and residents looking to cut fuel bills by meeting their energy needs through small scale schemes are invited to attend.
Yorkshire-based green energy experts JBA Consulting will be at the meeting to discuss options for local people to generate their own electricity. The company is carrying out a survey of possible small scale renewable energy schemes in the Barnoldswick area as part of a government funded study.
Barnoldswick Town Council was amongst a small number of bodies nationally which were awarded funding from the Government’s Local Energy Assesment Fund in January. As well as the micro renewable study, hundreds of homes in Barnoldswick are being surveyed to asses how residents can save money by cutting energy use in their properties.
The meeting will be held at the Rainhall Centre starting at 6-30 p.m. on Thursday.