A SPECIAL meeting to discuss whether Colne Royal British Legion should disaffiliate from the Royal British Legion has been called.
Letters have been sent to all paid-up members of the Keighley Road club, inviting them to the meeting at 11 a.m. on Sunday, May 6th.
The circulation of the letter has led to rumours about the future of the club and to allay fears, the club issued the following statement this week:
“The meeting has come about as a result of concerns raised by members at the club’s annual meeting last December.
“Members asked the committee to investigate the possibility of subscriptions they pay for club membership being retained to assist in the financial running of the club, as opposed to the current system whereby £12 of every £15.50 is despatched to London to assist in the running costs of the Royal British Legion HQ.
“The members felt this money would be much better served if the club could use it. Colne Legion is suffering under the current economic climate, as are many small clubs, pubs and organisations nationally.
“It must be stressed any money referred to here has nothing to do with the Poppy Appeal, for which every penny donated goes directly to the Poppy Fund”.
“The committee has investigated and found the only legitimate way for the money members pay in for club membership to be kept within the club would be if the club operated as a separate business entity from the Royal British Legion.
“Commercial confidentiality prevents us from publishing full figures, but it is estimated the club could generate up to £5,000 income above current income which would be of great benefit to the future of the club.
“There is no intention of the Royal British Legion leaving Colne. The branch would operate as it does now, with the Poppy Appeal, Remembrance Day and other Legion events being fully supported by the club.
“The club has to be run on commercial lines to provide a home free of charge to the branch. Obviously it needs to have sufficient income to do so. The members have indicated how they wish to assist in taking this forward – as a members’ club we have to put a formal proposition to them in order to facilitate the changes they have requested.
“Until this proposition is debated and voted upon by members, there will be no changes to the running of Colne Legion. If the proposition is accepted by members, the management committee will undertake to implement the necessary changes in a timely manner as soon as possible.”