Inspired by a 2010 feature in Vanity Fair magazine entitled The Suspects Wore Louboutins, The Bling Ring dramatises the outlandish true story of a group of bored, celebrity-obsessed teenagers, who broke into the houses of the rich and fabulous to pilfer their designer couture.
Writer-director Sofia Coppola creates a film that is just as plastic and emotionally hollow as the protagonists, centring initially on self-conscious loner Marc Hall (Nick Prugo).
He nervously arrives at high new high school and is delighted when Rebecca Ahn (Rachel Lee) takes him under her wing and initiates him into her coterie of fashion-conscious teens: Chloe (Claire Julien), Nicki (Emma Watson) and Sam (Tess Taylor).
Rebecca follows Paris Hilton’s every move and when she learns that the socialite will be out of town at a high profile party, she encourages Marc to find Hilton’s address so they can break in and rifle through her clothes.
When the police fail to come a-knocking, Rebecca and Marc begin to make nocturnal visits to the homes of other celebrities including Rachel Bilson, Orlando Bloom and Lindsay Lohan, and they take along the rest of the posse.
However, the group’s expanding wardrobe of designer fashions does not go unnoticed by their classmates and eventually other students alert the police to the thieves in their midst.
Star Rating: 5/10