View a video of the Rapid Response Review Panel, who looked into high death rates at the health body that governs hospitals in Burnley and Blackburn, deliver their findings.
Follow the link below to see a video taken at a risk summit where health professsionals, NHS managers and inspectors and the public report back on their findings after arranged - and surprise - visits to both Burnley General and the Royal Blackburn Hospitals. The video was released by the NHS to the public to show the investigation was taking place on “an open and transparent basis”.
Led by NHS England regional director for the North Richard Barker, the panel spoke of watching a distressed nurse desperately try to find a doctor to treat a patient whose condition was deteriorating, as well as recalling the words of a teenager who lost her father after a minor operation went wrong. However, they also praised the dedication and hard work of frontline medical staff battling to provide the best possible care to patients and their loyalty to the NHS.
{|Click here to view the video}
See Friday’s newspaper for a full report, background and reaction to the news