You can read in full the 63-page report into what has gone wrong at Burnley General and the Royal Blackburn Hospitals - and what action needs to be taken.
Follow the link below to find the full review into the quality of care and treatment provided at East Lancashie Hospitals NHS Trust, compiled after investigations by thr rapid response review team, made up of health professionals, NHS chiefs and the public.
The report highlights areas of concern in all aspects of the running of the Trust and says when action needs to be taken on an urgent, high or medium basis.
Among issues which need urgent action are to assure there are adequate numbers of staff available to provide safe care and dignified patient experience, as well as a better complaints monitoring system to ensure lessons are learnt.
The report also highglights good practice found within the Trust, with praise from patients for aprticualr wards and units, and states: “There are proud, committed and loyal staff at the Trust, many of whom described enjoying working there in drop-in sessions.”
{|Click here to read the full report}
More on the report, reaction and comment in Friday’s newspaper