achievement in geography is good, a team of Ofsted inspectors which visited Park High School, Colne, last month has found.
A report on the two-day inspection said that results in last year’s GCSE examinations were above the national average.
“The school is working effectively to support its large proportion of middle ability students to reach their full potential.
“The most able students achieve well in the subject. Students in the first year of the GCSE course appear to be well on track to meet or exceed the results from last year,” said the report.
“The pace is rapid. Lessons are well received by students who pay good attention and are motivated to learn about topics that, on the whole, interest them.
“Teachers’ questioning skills are good and they engage the whole class effectively. They are especially adept at challenging the few students who try to be passive or inattentive.
“The subject is very thoroughly monitored with good attention to the performance of all groups including the able, gifted and talented as well as those who have less good attendance.
“As a result, teachers are clear exactly which students are at risk of underachieving and take swift action to support them.”
The report said areas for improvement including a change to the curriculum, particularly at Key Stage 3, to develop their knowledge and understanding of Europe